Seteth×Hilda Support Conversations
C Support
ヒルダ: あ、セテスさま。こんにちはー! では、さようならー……。
Hilda: Oh, Seteth! Good day to you, and farewell!
セテス: 待て、ヒルダ。……どうだ。体の調子は。
Seteth: Just a moment, Hilda. How are you feeling?
ヒルダ: え? ……ああ、はい。おかげさまでー。
Hilda: Sorry? Oh, ah, fine. I'm doing just fine.
セテス: そうか。体調不良を理由に、掃除当番を代わってもらっていたと聞いたのでな。
Seteth: I am glad to hear it. I had heard that you requested a substitute for your cleaning duty, due to an illness.
ヒルダ: あはは……流石はセテスさま、何でもご存知なんですねー。
Hilda: You really do know everything, Seteth.
セテス: その前は、食事の配膳を頼んでいたな。……手首を痛めたとか。大事ないか?
Seteth: Just prior to that, you also asked for someone to take your place with table-setting. I believe that was due to a wrist injury. It was not too serious, I hope?
ヒルダ: ええ、おかげさまで……。そーんな、どうでもいい話までご存知なんですねー。
Hilda: Ah, you heard about that. The wrist is all healed up, thank you.
セテス: 模擬戦への参加を交代してもらったこともあった気がするな。頭痛がするとかで……
Seteth: I seem to recall also that you declined to participate in a mock battle. That was due to a headache, yes?
ヒルダ: あたし、ほんと体が弱くて……コホコホ。みんなにはお世話になりっぱなしですー。
Hilda: I have a very fragile body, you see. It's so kind of everyone to make accommodations.
セテス: うむ。嫌な顔せず頼みを聞く。最高の友だ。大切にするように。そして恩は返せよ。
Seteth: Indeed. It is a great friend who offers to help without complaint. See that you treasure such friends. And that you return the favor.
ヒルダ: は、はあい……。それじゃ、失礼……
Hilda: Of course! Well then, I should really be...
セテス: ヒルダ。
Seteth: By the way...
ヒルダ: ……ひっ。ま、まだ何かご用でしょうか……?
Hilda: Was there something else you wanted?
セテス: 今日の祈りを捧げに、礼拝堂に行くのだが、君も一緒にどうだ?
Seteth: It so happens I am on my way to the chapel to offer my prayers. Would you care to join me?
ヒルダ: い、いえ。遠慮させていただきますわ。今日のお祈りは済ませましたので……。
Hilda: Oh, no...I wouldn't want to intrude! I've already offered up all my prayers for the day.
セテス: それは重畳。これからも主への感謝を忘れぬようにな。
Seteth: Marvelous. We must always remember to give our thanks to the goddess.
It is essential that we offer our prayers to her each day. That we reflect on our deeds, and strive to live as she would want us to live.
For the goddess sees all that we say and do.
ヒルダ: ……っ!
Hilda: Oh! I...
セテス: では、これで。
Seteth: Now, if you will excuse me.
ヒルダ: は、はあい。ご機嫌よう……。
Hilda: Of course! Good-bye, now...
ヒルダ: こ、怖すぎるうー!あれ、絶対わかって言ってるわ。
Hilda: How is Seteth so scary? It feels like he can see right through me!
I guess that's his way of saying, "Stop being lazy." I wish he'd just scold me outright.
This is precisely why I try to avoid him...
B Support
ヒルダ: うっ! セテスさまだわ。機を見て、逃げ……
Hilda: Oh, it's Seteth! I'd better slip away before he—
セテス: ほう、本を読んでいるのか。君は本が好きなのか?
Seteth: Ah—I see you are indulging in a bit of reading. You are fond of books, I take it?
ヒルダ: え、ええ。読書、好きですのえ。オホホ。もう読み終わりましたので、失礼しま……
Hilda: Yes, reading's one of my favorite pastimes! I was just finishing up, actually, so I think I'll—
セテス: ほう、それは好都合だ。
Seteth: That is most fortuitous.
ヒルダ: え、あのー、好都合、とは……?
Hilda: Um, fortuitous? How do you figure?
セテス: 少し付き合ってくれ。これから短い話を読むから、聞いていてほしいのだ。
Seteth: Come with me. I have a story to share with you.
セテス: ……むかしむかし、ある寒い地方の山奥に怠け者のキツネと働き者のリスがいました。
Seteth: Once upon a time, deep in the cold mountains, there lived a lazy fox and an industrious squirrel.
The squirrel worked tirelessly, all day long, while the fox did nothing but lounge around and play.
When autumn came, the squirrel hurriedly gathered up acorns for the winter. But the fox continued to play without a care.
A biting winter fell upon the land. The mountains, caked in snow, concealed all nourishment from sight.
The hungry fox went to the squirrel's dwelling, but the squirrel had locked up tight and gone to sleep.
Every so often, the squirrel would wake, enjoy a nibble of an acorn, and then return to an easy slumber.
The fox, on the other hand, with nowhere else to turn, was forced to scrounge for food in the bitter cold of the forest.
Forlorn and hungry, he wandered in solitude all through the winter, until spring came once more.
And so it is, to this very day, that foxes are denied the comforts of hibernation.
ヒルダ: へえ、そういう訳だったんですねー。……って、うふふ。あたしも小さい頃は、そういう寓話をよく読んでもらったなー。
Hilda: Ah, I really learned something about foxes! Haha... I read lots of fairy tales like that when I was little.
But the lazy fox and the industrious squirrel, huh? That one I don't think I've heard before.
セテス: そうだろうな。何せこれは、私の自作なのだから。
Seteth: That is not surprising, considering I wrote it.
ヒルダ: ……え!?これ、セテスさまが作ったんですかー!?
Hilda: Oh! You wrote it?
セテス: ああ。フレンも幼い頃、寓話を聞くのが好きでな。よく読み聞かせていたのだ。
で、どうだろう? 感想を聞きたいのだが。
Seteth: I did. When Flayn was young, she loved fairy tales more than anything. I would read them to her often.
This one, however, is a more recent creation. I wrote it for the benefit of the children in the monastery.
So, what do you think? I'm curious to hear what sort of impression it made on you.
ヒルダ: 可愛いですー!
Hilda: It's so cute!
セテス: ……かわ、いい?
Seteth: Y-you found it to be...cute?
ヒルダ: 小さな妹のために、寓話を作るセテスさま。想像すると、すっごく可愛いですよー!
Hilda: I can just see it now, you writing fairy tales for your little sister! That's just the cutest thing.
Honestly, to me, you usually come across as stern and overly perceptive.
But now I know you have a sweet side too! I feel like I'm seeing you in a whole new light.
セテス: いや……そういうことを聞きたかったのではないのだが……。
Seteth: That is...not what I was hoping to hear.
A Support
セテス: ヒルダ。
Seteth: Hello, Hilda.
ヒルダ: あ、セテスさま。こんにちはー。
Hilda: Oh, Seteth! Good day!
セテス: ……ほう?
Seteth: Is it?
ヒルダ: な、何ですか?
Hilda: I, uh... Did I do something wrong?
セテス: 私に声をかけられても、逃げ腰にならなくなったな。
Seteth: Not to my knowledge. But I cannot help but notice that you no longer shy away when I speak to you.
ヒルダ: あ、あはははー。気づかれてましたか。
Hilda: Heheh...heh... You noticed that, huh? When you stare at me, I feel like you're peering into my soul.
セテス: ほう、それが苦にならないということは、後ろめたいことがなくなったのか?
Seteth: And that no longer bothers you? Does that mean your conscience is finally clear?
ヒルダ: いえ、慣れただけですー。セテスさまが怖いだけの人じゃないってわかったしー。
Hilda: Nah, I got used to it. I know you're not scary.
セテス: 後ろめたいことはあるのか……?いつまでも怠け者では困るな。
Seteth: That's unfortunate. You really should do something to correct your lazy behavior.
ヒルダ: そうですねー、あたしだって冬眠できないキツネさんにはなりたくないですしー。
Hilda: Maybe that's true. I wouldn't want to be like the fox, forced to wander in the snow all winter.
セテス: そうか。寓話に込めた教訓が正しく伝わっているようで何よりだ。
Seteth: I'm pleased to see you grasped the moral of the story.
ヒルダ: でもあの話、ちょっとリスさんが冷たすぎませんかー?
Hilda: Don't you think the squirrel was a little cold-hearted though?
He seems not to care about what happens to his friend, as long as he himself is happy.
セテス: む……確かに。子供がそのような考えを持ってしまうと困るな。
Seteth: You know, that is a valid point. I have no wish to encourage that attitude in children.
Perhaps if the fox only survives thanks to the squirrel kindly sharing some of his acorns.
How does that sound to you?
ヒルダ: それなら子供たちも、優しいリスさんになりたーい!って思ってくれそうですー。
Hilda: I like it OK. I'm sure the kids will admire that nice, compassionate squirrel.
セテス: うむ、そうか。君に聞いてもらって正解だったな。
Seteth: Thank you for your insight. As it happens, I have some other stories that I wrote for Flayn. Would you like to hear them?
ヒルダ: いっそ、ちゃんと本にしたらどうですか?あたしだけが聞くのももったいないですし。
Hilda: You should make a book out of them! It's a shame that only Flayn and I get to enjoy them.
セテス: ほほう、それは妙案だな!よし、早速準備に取り掛かろう。
Seteth: What a fine idea! I will begin immediately. Though I feel such a book requires illustrations, and I have no artistic talent. Would you lend me a hand?
ヒルダ: 絵ならイグナーツくんのほうが……。
Hilda: Uh, I think Ignatz might be a better choice, but...
ヒルダ: ……まあ、子供向け絵本の挿絵くらいなら適当にちゃちゃっと描けそうな気も……。
Hilda: I can probably manage. Not like they need to be terribly fancy.
セテス: ついでに、内容についても意見が欲しい。手伝ってくれるか?
Seteth: I could use some more of your wisdom with regard to the content of the stories also.
ヒルダ: えー、ちょっと面倒くさい……けど、乗りかかった舟ですし……わかりましたー。
Hilda: That sounds like a pain, but I'm invested in this now. Let's do it!
セテス: そうか! 私もやる気が出てきたぞ!これは子供たちの未来のための大事業だ!
Seteth: Excellent! That's wonderful to hear! Let us produce the very best book we can, for the children's sake!
ヒルダ: こんなに嬉しそうにはしゃがれると面倒事も引き受けちゃうわね……。
Hilda: He looks so excited, I can't help but lend a hand.
A+ Support
セテス: ヒルダ、街に出ていたのか?
Seteth: Ah, Hilda. Business in town?
ヒルダ: はい、絵の道具を買い足しにー。
Hilda: Yes! I'm buying some art supplies.
セテス: ……それは、絵本の挿絵に使う物か?なら、私が代金を……。
Seteth: Oh! To replenish what you used on our book, I presume? Allow me to compensate you.
ヒルダ: いえいえ、いいんですよー。趣味の装飾品づくりにも使ってますから。
Hilda: No, no need! I use them for my own crafting and accessory making too.
By the way, your tales seem quite popular! I saw a big crowd of kids at the church.
セテス: ほう、そうか。あそこに置いて正解だったな。
Seteth: Wonderful to hear! We made the right choice, leaving it there.
ヒルダ: 「怠けてるとキツネになっちゃうよ」なんて子供を叱る親までいたんですよー。
Hilda: I also heard a mother scolding her child by saying, "If you keep lazing around, you'll turn into a fox!" Though as long as there's a friendly squirrel around, being a fox doesn't sound so bad.
セテス: む……子供にまで、そう思われては困るな。やはり元の話に戻すか……。
Seteth: Hmm. That was not my intention. Perhaps the story was better off in its original form, after all.
ヒルダ: でもまあ……これでセテスさま、戦争が終わってもやることできましたね。
Hilda: Anyway, I guess you've got something to keep you busy after the war. Originally these stories were for Flayn, but now there are lots of people who love them. The kids are looking forward to your next release. You don't want to disappoint them.
セテス: しかし世界が大きく変わる過渡期に、のんびり寓話ばかり書いているのもな……。
Seteth: I do wonder how appropriate it is to sit around and write children's books in an era of great change.
ヒルダ: そんな時代だからこそ、子供たちのために何かしてあげるべきじゃないですかー?
Hilda: "An era of great change." Isn't that exactly when kids need something to hold onto? They're the future of Fódlan, after all!
セテス: 確かにそうだな! しかし、続けるとなると君にも付き合ってもらわねばならんぞ。
Seteth: Astute observation! But if I am to continue in this trade, I will require more of your assistance.
ヒルダ: えー? こんなに有名になったのに、いつまで素人の絵を使うんですかー?
Hilda: Really? You're a successful author, and you still want to use my lousy illustrations?
セテス: 寓話の意図を正しく理解し、子供の心に響く絵を描ける者でなければ務まらん。
Seteth: I need an artist who can appreciate the message and who can draw pictures that resonate with children.
Your art has a certain careless quality that I feel matches my work splendidly.
ヒルダ: 脱力って……褒めてませんよ、それー。
Hilda: A "careless quality"? That doesn't sound like a compliment.
セテス: 君もまだ描きたいという意志があるから、絵の道具を買い足しに行っていたんだろう?
Seteth: Did you not purchase those art supplies today in the hopes of continuing with this work?
ヒルダ: それは、そうですけどー。戦争が終わるまでは付き合おうかなーって。
Hilda: Well, yes. I guess I can stick with it until the war is over.
セテス: 煮え切らん娘だな……まあ、いい。戦争が終わった後のことはまた考えよう。
Seteth: Such lukewarm commitment—no matter. We can consider the post-war situation when we come to it.
ヒルダ: うーん……キツネさんでいたかったけど、リスさんに転職するのも悪くないかなー。
Hilda: Hm. I'm pretty fond of being a fox, but becoming a squirrel wouldn't be the worst thing.
I'll admit, I like seeing Seteth pour his heart into these stories...
セテス: ん? 何か言ったか?
Seteth: What was that?
ヒルダ: いいえ、何でもないですよー。じゃ、新作に取り掛かりますかー!
Hilda: Didn't say a word! Let's get to work on that sequel!